Flipping myths to help you feel secure

Dispelling cybersecurity myths: MFA, phishing prevention, and beyond are crucial to protect casinos from devastating attacks.
Sean Connery
April 29, 2024

Flipping myths to help you feel secure


You’re tired of hearing about cybersecurity. You’re tired of hearing the constant threats. You’ve implemented all the recommended tools and you just don’t want to think about this anymore. You’re secure enough, right?  


There’s never a time when cybersecurity is not important, and if you think you haven’t got time now, try dealing with an attack that brings your casino to its knees and stops all productivity! Here’s the good news: Keeping your casino secure is far easier than you may realize. Let’s start by looking at a couple of myths that may be getting in your way.  

  • MYTH #1: Multi-factor authentication is a headache.  
  • MYTH #2: Phishing can’t be prevented.  
  • MYTH #3: Antivirus is enough.  

Let’s look at these a bit more closely, so that you can free up your time and keep your casino safe.    


There are moments when multi-factor authentication may seem like an obstacle, but the only one who wins when it’s gone is a hacker. So, what exactly is multi-factor authentication? It’s a mechanism where you provide two or more pieces of evidence to log into your accounts or access data.  

You may feel like multi-factor authentication is a real nuisance, something you’d rather not have popping up now, but guess what? That little extra time ultimately could save you hours of headaches and production delays.  

Remove it and the only people who truly save time are hackers. That’s right. You’re saving hackers time and headaches.    

Did you know  

  • MFA blocks an incredible 99.9% of modern automated cyberattacks  
  • 81% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak/stolen passwords  

Take a moment and think about those statistics. It’s no wonder that hackers hate multi-factor authentication. But if you’re eager to keep working and getting through your to-do list, keeping your casino moving forward, and expanding your client satisfaction, multi-factor authentication is the key to success.


Hackers are constantly trying to bypass your security and one of the easiest ways to do that is to get an employee’s passwords. Your entire casino is at risk if you aren’t being prompted for an access token.  


Phishing may seem like a big problem because it’s so easy to do but it CAN be prevented with the right tools. Hackers are constantly sending phishing emails with links to websites designed to trick people into entering personal information without realizing it. They can trick you into giving them your email and password AND trick you into giving them the MFA token you receive. Then boom, they’re in all your important things.

Having MFA, along with other security measures, can drastically reduce your risk of being hacked. It’s time to sit down and look at what your system has and figure out what needs to be done to fix it to stay on track with your to-do list, your employees, and your clients.  


Do you get a lot of popups while on your computer? It’s annoying, right? Well, the popups could be a sign that the antivirus you have isn’t enough to protect your systems. The popups could be a sign that your computers have already been breached and the bad guys are already getting a hand on your sensitive information. It used to be that antivirus was enough to keep out the bad guys but now it takes multiple tools in your toolkit to keep your system up and running.  

The truth is, having MFA and antivirus in your security stack can help exponentially in keeping your business safe. Are you unsure if you have both tools? Getting a third-party assessment done will give you the answers you are looking for and can help you take the next steps in protecting your system.  

If you would like a third-party risk assessment, go to csosean.com/analysis.

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